WWE Attitude Era 2.0 Pt. 02
Disclaimer: All the people in this story are above 18. I don't now own any of the characters in the story, it is all fiction. It had been two weeks since NXT, WWE management were dealing with multiple lawsuits. Vince McMann stopped shows and focused completely on getting the company back to where it should be. One week later WWE management put out a statement inviting fans to Monday Night Raw. Everything was settled, Vince knew he would get problems taking it ass far as he did but he planned for it all. He let NXT go as it did just to be a test for the future shows and everything worked out as he wanted. Fans were thrilled after watching instead they couldn't wait to find out what was in store for them at Raw. Tickets were quickly sold and the arena was now sold out. Welcome to Monday Night Raw!! Before anything could happen fans began chanting, "Thank you Vince, Thank you Vince." To everyone surprise the first person who came out was none other than the Queen herse...